FAQ for Parents

FAQ Regarding Pawnee ISD Response to
COVID-19 for Parents

Questions about School Closure
How long will Pawnee ISD be closed in response to COVID-19?

Currently, Pawnee ISD is closed for on site instruction at all campuses (Pawnee, Red River, Trinity andAyala) through April 3. If the on-site closure is extended we will notify our staff and families as soon as the decision is made. You can also visit http://www.pawneeisd.net or our Facebook page for updated information.

How will I know if the on-site closure is extended?

We are working to provide you with the most up to date and accurate information as possible. We will continue to use text, email, phone calls, social media and our website http://www.pawneeisd.net to share additional information.

Will bad weather days be used during this time of on-site instruction closure?
A decision will be made after further guidance is provided from the Texas Education Agency.
Has the district taken extra measures to clean school facilities and buses?
Yes. PISD is working with BCFS and All Aboard Transportation to take the necessary steps and
preventative measures to help protect our students, staff and parents. All district facilities and buses
have been deep cleaned and disinfected during spring break.

Online/Remote Learning Plan
Will PISD provide online learning during this closure?

As we are closed for on site instruction through April 3, we will begin online and remote instruction
beginning March 23. Our Leadership team and Partners have been working during Spring Break to
support teachers as they return back for instruction on March 23. Please be patient as we make the
necessary adjustments to best meet the needs of our students in the event that on-site closure is extended.

I don’t have Internet access at home? How should my child access online learning?
We are aware of a number of companies (such as AT&T, Spectrum, Verizon, Frontier, etc.) that are
offering free wireless hotspots for families who do not currently have wireless. We will do our best to
share this information with our families. We are no way affiliated with this organization but it may assist
you in finding services in your area. https://broadbandnow.com/

My Child left their medicine or personal belongings at school. How do I get it?
Please contact your campus principal and arrangements will be made to get you necessary items quickly
and safely.

Are free online resources for learners safe and beneficial for my child?
There are many companies offering free “educational” resources. Please feel free to contact your child’s
teacher or principal for assistance on selecting additional resources. We will only share resources that
align with our instruction. We will be sharing at-home learning packets during this time as well.

Meals During On-Site Instruction Closure

Where can I find meals being offered?
Parents can visit https://txschools.gov/ to find locations for free school meals (breakfast or
lunch) for all public school children. Select “Meal Pick-Up Locations” to find a school near
you. #txed

What meals are included?

Currently, we are only offering Grab-N-Go breakfast and lunch bags. Each bag includes a combination of
meat/meat alternatives, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and milk. These meals will still meet the NSLP
guidelines as a reimbursable meal.

Can I pick up meals for someone else?
No. Students 18 years and younger must be present at the time of meal pick up.

How do I store my meals?
These meals are made for immediate consumption. We do not recommend storing food for future use.
If you choose to keep leftovers, it should be refrigerated immediately.

Are curbside meals safe?
All employees handling or distributing meals have a valid Texas Food Handlers Card and will be following
all required health guidelines including washing hands, using hand sanitizers and monitoring